When you see this sign, you’ve arrived!
Driving Directions to Mulberry Gap
Our address is 400 Mulberry Gap Rd, Ellijay, GA 30540, but sometimes your GPS may get a little spotty in the mountains.
If you prefer to use GPS coordinates for our location anyway, they are: 34.798536 N -84.609671
From Ellijay, GA
We're located 12 miles from downtown Ellijay. Click to open details in Google Maps.
From Atlanta, GA
We're located 90 miles from downtown Atlanta. Click to open details in Google Maps.
From Chatsworth, GA
We're located 18 miles from downtown Chatsworth. Click to open details in Google Maps.
From Nashville, TN
We're located 185 miles from downtown Nashville. Click to open details in Google Maps.
From Knoxville, TN
We're located 133 miles from downtown Knoxville. Click to open details in Google Maps.
From Chattanooga, TN
We're located 54 miles from downtown Chattanooga. Click to open details in Google Maps.
From Birmingham, AL
We're located 207 miles from downtown Birmingham. Click to open details in Google Maps.
Flying Directions to Mulberry Gap
The nearest airport is Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport. It's small, has a quick in and out time, and is about 80 minutes away. Airport code is CHA.
Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport is larger and will take a bit more time to get in and out of but flights will likely be a bit more reasonable. Airport code is ATL.
Shuttle Services from Airports:
Check out some of these options:
Classic Transportation of the TriState, Inc. - (706) 633-3668
Mountain Transportation - (706) 851-9465
A2B Transit - (706) 502-5250
Full Circle Shuttle - (770) 364-3211
Bike Travel
We suggest that you use BikeFlights.com to ship your bike to Mulberry Gap. Save yourself the hassle and expense of flying with your bike. BikeFlights.com guarantees the best service, delivery, and price with each shipment.